Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The Fire Drill
Yesterday we were reading the BFG and all of a sudden we heard this drilling sound. our teacher thought that probaly was the Fire Drill. so we lined up in single file line. when we got outside our teacher staerted to call our names and the whole back of the line started talking so we couldn't here our teacher call our names and we didn't respond. also miss. kranchek(i don't know how to spell her name) she yelled at us for no reason.i did not like that. so last recess we spent the whole time on the sqaure. that sucked. after recess we went back to the classroom we started to to do our Nevada books.that took my mind off the fire drill.
Monday, November 5, 2007
gutting pumkins
we had so much fun gutting pumkins! we went to the lattin pumpkin patch, we got to go on the cow train first(that was fun), then we went to see the animals,ford wanted to feed the goats. after all that we went to wait for the hayride and get our pumpkins. when the tractor was there we got on and we went off to get our pumpkins.i got the skinniest pumpkin of all. then we took them home. we let them sit out on the haybell, that we got from the library,until the night before HALLOWEEN. when we brought the pumpkins in we started carving the top so we could gut it.mine had the most gutts,i gutts were cold. after we were done we started carving the face,adam's was the scariest.mine was a ghost, it didn't seem scary but i liked it.makinleydidn't want to gut it. she thought it felt SLIMY. then she started crying.i felt bad.on HALLOWEEN we were going to light them up but we didn't because we didn't want to.we got so much seeds, candy, and gutts injust 2 days. now that is amazing.we wanted to roast my seeds but my dad throhg them away. it sucked.we still had a great time gutting them.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
After lunch our teacher called one group at a time to get our costumes on. After everybody was dressed our teacher passed out some goodies for our party.When she was done we got lined up for the school parade. As you can see it was fun.
After the parade we went inside to eat our goodies.While we ate we watched a movie called "The Magic School Bus Inside The Haunted House."thenmy mom came to take pictures during the movie.We had very good goodies.
When the movie was over we had to clean up, but we had a great time. I got lots of cool goodies to take home . I loved Halloween at my school.These are my friends
Monday, June 11, 2007
A little Vacation to Park City
When we went to park city we stayed with our grandparents.We had a great time. When we arrived we watched tv for a little bit because we were tired on the way to park city.Ford fell asleep on the way. After we watched tv we had lunch. For lunch we had tuna sandwiches. After we had lunch my mom said we cuold go to the pool and hot tub at 5:00.So we waited until 5:00 and then we went.I had so much fun at the pool and hot tub. Then it got cold and so we had to go inside.I did not want to go inside.
While we were inside,my grandparents made dinner and while they made dinner we watched more tv.Then we ate dinner and got ready for bed. Before bed we watched more tv until we fell asleep. Ford sure fell asleep before I did.Finaly we had to turn of the tv and go to bed.
When I woke up Adam was just getting out of bed andthe bolth of us went out to watch cartoons. I geuss we woke our grandma up because she came out and showed us where the cereal was.Then she went to her bthroom or back to bed.Adam and I got the cereal and milk and we had breakfeast.After we had breakfeast we watched more cartoons.Then my mom woke up and told us to get dressed so we could go home and see our dad.After we got dressed we watched even more tv.Then we had to clean up our room.Then we had lunch and for lunch we Had hotdogs and chips.After lunch we watched more tv and read books.I asked my mom if we could go swimming and she said no and i was mad.Then mymom said ,''Let's go to the games downstairs.''
So we did.My grandma and i went on the Alpine coaster together.After we did that i went on the train with my 2 brothers and my sister.I wish i would've gone on the Merry-Go-round but i didn't. After the games my grandma took us to the chocolate factory and I got a carmal apply with chocolate drizzled on top. The lady at the counter asked if I would like it sliced and I said yes.Then we went to a game room and my grandma went back to the room to get coins to play the games.After all the coins were gone we went back to the room to take a nap.
When i woke up from my nap my dad was there,So it turned we were not going home to see him.I was glad to see him.After I saw him The parents started talking.My grandpa was going downstairs to cook meat for dinner.We were having Pork,Hotdogs,Patatos,Carrots,Water,or Milk.We had a great dinner.After dinner we had to go home.
Before we left we had to pack up and while we did that my dad went to go get the car and a luggage carrierto take our luggage down to the car.Adam,Makinley,Ford, and i got to ride on the luggage carrier with the luggage.When we got to the car we unloaded the luggage into my mom's car and then we gave kissesto our grandma and then my mom, Makinley,and Ford were off.My dad,Adam, and i went to my dad's car and then we went to McDonalds because my brother didn't get dinner because he thought there was to much black stuff on his hotdog.My dad and i got vanilla ice cream.My brother got a cheeseburger and a hi-c drink.Then we went home and went to bed.
The End.
Friday, May 11, 2007
A Great sleepover on 5-4-07
On Friday I slept over at Jessica's house. Before we went to bed we watched Night At The Museam when the movie was done we had to go to bed. When we went to bed we forgot to say prayer. When the prayer was over Jessica and I were not tired at all.
We got bored trying to go to sleepso we found something to do and it was coloring in a coloring bookbut thatdidn't last long because Jessica's dad came in and said we had to clean up the crayons,colored pencils,and markers.Then we got bored again and we found something else to do, tell scary stories but we got tired while doing that so we went to sleep.
on sat. morning we woke up then we went out to their living room and started to watch cartoons. while we watched cartoons jess's dad made us pancakes. after we watched cartoons we ate our pancakes. then we watched some of 'night at the museum'. we got bored of that so we went downstairs and started to dump our polly pockets but we couldn't finish dumping them out because we had to get our shoes, jacket, and money to go shopping at costco. before we left costco, jess and i, bought 2 churros and 2 drinks. we both got rootbeer.
after that we went back to jess's house and cut each churro into 8 pieces. we each got 5 pieces because we had to share with nicholas, jess's brother. after we ate some of our churros we went downstairs and finished playing polly pockets. we got kind of bored of polly pockets so we played witches and allison, jess's sister, was the witch and jess, nicholas, and i were trying to stay away from allison. we made an attic for that game but that game got boring so we twitched it up a little bit. then we played dragon riders like aragon. that got boring so we played a spy/fighting game. nicholas was the good side and jess and i were the bad side.
after that we stopped playing that because jess and i got in a fight then we worked it out and we started to play a game where jess and i were poor and we shot pretend animals and ate them. we lived on a boat which was kind of boring then we went upstairs to play with allison but my mom had to come and pick me up from jess's house.
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